360 PTZ Camera Wi-Fi

Instant Support, Anytime

Get the help you need, when you need it. Connect with us instantly via call, WhatsApp, or our quick inquiry form.

Instant Call Support

Call to connect with us immediately for assistance.

Chat with Us on WhatsApp

To start a conversation with our team.

Quick Inquiry Form

“Website” to fill out a form for more details.

Step 2

Our executive shall visit the house, examine the wiring and guide you through selection and customisation of your Smart Home features.

Step 3

50% upfront fee on order confirmation

Step 4

Installation(within 2 business days)

How It Works

Let’s See How It Works

Experience a seamless Smart Home setup with expert consultation, easy booking, quick installation, and hassle-free payment.



The customer shall book free appointment(for house visit) either through Call or WhatsApp or Website



Our executive shall visit the house, examine the wiring and guide you through selection and customisation of your Smart Home features



50% upfront fee on order confirmation



Installation(within 2 business days)

Smart, Secure, Effortless

Automate Your Life

Take control of your home with One Switch and cutting-edge automation. Experience convenience, security, and efficiency like never before!